Monday, January 19, 2015

Andraya Carson : Exploring Sex Trafficking and Prostitution Demand During the Super Bowl

Much has been said about the impact of the Super Bowl on sex trafficking, most of which indicates it is a key variable leading to a dramatic increase in commercial sexual exploitation and victimization. Recent reports and dozens of news articles strongly point to the Super Bowl as the most prominent national event where sex trafficking flourishes, with estimates of as many as 10,000 victims flooding host cities to be offered to willing purchasers intent on buying sex. While this has attracted a great deal of attention in the media and has served as a key point in the national dialogue on sex trafficking, support for such assertions has been sparse. While some such inquiries have been conducted capably, evidence supported research on the influence of the Super Bowl on sex trafficking has been limited.

 With the support of the McCain Institute, researchers from Arizona State University sought to investigate and understand the true impact of the Super Bowl on sex trafficking, to further the national discussion on sex trafficking and its local and national impact as well as to develop a baseline understanding of regional sex trafficking trends for the 2015 Super Bowl which is to be held in Phoenix. What follows is what we believe to be the first comprehensive and systematic review of the quagmire that is the Super Bowl and sex trafficking and the first attempt to add clarity to a complex, national epidemic.

Read full report

Source Credit:

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Andraya (Dray) Carson: Employer and Employee Tips on Arizona Taxes for 2015

With the start of a new year comes new requirements to abide by regarding state taxes and payroll "stuff". Many of our clients have been asking for updates, and so, whether you are an employer or an employee, you should know a few things.....

Withholding Requirements:

  • Register as an employer by filing Form UC-001 (Joint Tax Application). Registration can be completed online here.
  • Employee Withholding Form, A-4
  • Withholding Method = percent of gross pay
  • Supplemental Rate = percent of gross pay

Local Taxes:


Arizona State Tax Unemployment Insurance:

Report quarterly wages and contributions by filing Form UC-018 (Unemployment Tax and Wage Report) by last day of month following end of quarter.  Can be completed online here.
Wage base $7,000 for 2014 and 2015
Rates range from 0.03% to 7.79 for 2015%
New employers use 2.0% for 2015
Job Training Tax surcharge - 0.10%, not included in stated rate.
Special Assessment of .50% for 2012.  This will NOT be assessed on wages in 2013.

State Disability Insurance:


State Labor Laws:

Minimum Wage - $7.90 per hour effective 1/1/14 and $8.05 per hour effective 1/1/15.
Termination Pay - Fired- pay within seven working days or the end of the next regular pay period, whichever is sooner. Quits- pay by the next regular payday.

New Hire Reporting:

Arizona New Hire Reporting Center
P.O Box 402
Holbrook, MA 02343
Fax: 888-282-0502
To file online click here

Remit Withholding for Child Support to:

Division of Child Support Enforcement
Department of Economic Security
PO Box 40458
Phoenix, AZ 85067
Report using this site

Reciprocal States:


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Dray Carson :: Exploring Sex Trafficking and Prostitution Demand During the Super Bowl

Much has been said about the impact of the Super Bowl on sex trafficking, most of which indicates it is a key variable leading to a dramatic increase in commercial sexual exploitation and victimization. Recent reports and dozens of news articles strongly point to the Super Bowl as the most prominent national event where sex trafficking flourishes, with estimates of as many as 10,000 victims flooding host cities to be offered to willing purchasers intent on buying sex. While this has attracted a great deal of attention in the media and has served as a key point in the national dialogue on sex trafficking, support for such assertions has been sparse. While some such inquiries have been conducted capably, evidence supported research on the influence of the Super Bowl on sex trafficking has been limited.

With the support of the McCain Institute, researchers from Arizona State University sought to investigate and understand the true impact of the Super Bowl on sex trafficking, to further the national discussion on sex trafficking and its local and national impact as well as to develop a baseline understanding of regional sex trafficking trends for the 2015 Super Bowl which is to be held in Phoenix. What follows is what we believe to be the first comprehensive and systematic review of the quagmire that is the Super Bowl and sex trafficking and the first attempt to add clarity to a complex, national epidemic.

Source Credit: This article first appeared on the McCain Institute Website

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Andraya Carson: Can Workplace Wellness Programs Fix What Ails Us?

There is always so much discourse about the condition of our country’s healthcare system. Wouldn’t it be refreshing, and perhaps more rewarding, if as Americans, we were to focus as much energy on the state of our wellness?

Some could argue that we are a rather sickly nation. According to a recent report issued by the US Department of Health and Human Services, among Americans there is an especially high prevalence of risk factors such as tobacco use, high cholesterol, obesity, and insufficient exercise, which are associated with chronic diseases and conditions such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and hypertension. In fact, 45 percent of Americans, almost half the entire adult population, have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes. Even more frightening, 13 percent of Americans have two of these conditions and three percent are struggling with all three. It’s no wonder our healthcare system is so taxed.On a brighter note, however, these conditions can improve with lifestyle changes. To that end, more and more progressive employers are creating workplace wellness programs that promote, and sometimes even reward, healthier lifestyles.

Corporate wellness programs are nothing new. Traditional programs help employees maintain their health and prevent illness by providing education, fitness regimes and regular health screenings to ensure early detection of problems. Many corporate wellness initiatives even include an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to help employees cope with personal or emotional issues that may be affecting their work and family lives.

In addition to delivering positive health benefits to employees, wellness programs yield employers significant benefits as well. Successful programs have been proven to reduce absenteeism, increase productivity and decrease healthcare costs.

Of course, to be effective wellness programs have to be utilized. Poorly-designed programs can miss their mark if they don’t take into consideration the health needs and interests of the employee population. One Midwestern company, for instance, launched its wellness program by opening a fitness center and implementing a campaign to combat prostate cancer. The gym was a big hit among employees, many of whom already participated in regular exercise, but the prostate screenings were largely ignored. When the company did some after-the-fact analysis, they learned that some 70 percent of their employees were women of childbearing age. They also found that many of their employees were smokers. Obviously, prostate cancer was not a concern for this workforce, but women’s health issues and smoking cessation were.
Conversely, Volkswagen is breaking the mold with a highly-customized wellness initiative designed to take their employees’ performance to the next level. At the company’s new $1 billion assembly plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee, newly-hired Volkswagen employees are undergoing on-the-job training in advance of the facility’s production start early next year. As part of their training, assembly line workers are being required to participate in two hours of fitness training each day. The fitness program, which is specifically-designed to help individual workers develop the strength and endurance necessary to meet the physical demands of their particular job, is intended to create “industrial athletes” who are able to grip, lift, bend and push without tiring. (Volkswagen has no intention of instituting a weight threshold for assembly line jobs, but some workers who initially resented Volkswagen’s required fitness training have lost as much as 30 pounds in a matter of weeks.)
Corporate wellness initiatives are usually voluntary, so mandating that employees participate in customized fitness programs so they can better perform their jobs is a provocative concept that could gain traction over time, especially if American’s persistent health issues, such as obesity or high blood pressure, make physical labor difficult or even dangerous. For the time being however, companies are doing well if they can build a wellnessprogram that permeates the corporate culture and genuinely advocates for and promotes employees’ health and wellbeing.

When creating or redesigning a program, employers should try to adopt several best practices: 1.) assess your workforce’s health needs and put them before any personal cause or passion; 2.) consider the whole employee to address all areas of wellness, including physical fitness, disease prevention and detection, and emotional wellbeing; 3.) create a work environment where wellness is pervasive, going beyond the fitness center or health fair to include snacks and drinks available in the vending machines; and 4.) consider incentivizing employees to take advantage of wellness initiatives by holding workout or weight loss contests or offering small give-a-ways for participating in health screenings.

Corporate wellness initiatives cannot fix our healthcare system, but cultivating a more health-conscious culture, not just within one company but throughout our country, could certainly lead Americans to be less reliant on our already over-taxed healthcare system.

John Allen, is President and COO of G&A Partners, a Texas-based HR and Administrative Services company that manages human resources, benefits, payroll, accounting and risk management for growing businesses. For more information about the company, visit Andraya Carson is a business advsisor for G&A Partners and can be reached at for a consultation.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Find out who Andraya Carson really is: a Success in every way

Andraya (Dray) Carson is an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in business development, operations, sales, marketing and consulting.  She began her career as a financial advisor and quickly advanced to the position of Managing Partner for a Phoenix based, full financial planning firm, and was recognized as the top advisor each year.  Additionally, Miss Carson created and implemented training programs, documented procedures and participated in product development. She then co-founded a private equity firm where she led the Investor Relations division and the managed the firm’s operations. In 2009 Miss Carson launched Carson Connections, a boutique business development firm, and enjoys working personally with small to mid-size business owners from a variety of industries, helping them identify the possibilities of their business and find solutions to significantly improve productivity and profitability.

Currently Miss Carson is also a Business Advisor with G&A Partners, a licensed professional employer organization (PEO) founded in 1995.  Together they provide best-in-class solutions that take businesses to the next level, creating a more streamline approach to managing Human Resources, and gaining access to better benefits, stress-free payroll and administrative relief

Andraya Carson: Human trafficking is targeted in Arizona; problem is growing

Human trafficking is not human smuggling.
But law enforcement and civic groups say it is a problem nationwide, and more Arizonans will hear that message as experts try to increase public awareness of the problem.
What is it? Simply put, forcing people against their will to work for others’ profit. It could be a prostitute walking the streets for a pimp. It could be a cowering immigrant toiling in a sweatshop in a state of indentured servitude.
A massive effort to alter public perception of the nature and extent of the problem is under way. But it is complicated by the fact that human trafficking is often intertwined with – and hard to distinguish from – the more commonly recognized problems of illegal immigration and prostitution.
Many victims are like “Chantel Rice,” a young Phoenix woman who became a prostitute at 16 at the behest of her boyfriend and ended up working the streets of several West Coast cities, moving up to Phoenix strip clubs before pulling out of her downward spiral.
There Rice discovered she was not alone.
“A lot of the girls either started dancing or seeing clients outside the clubs at a young age, like 15, 16, 17,” Rice said. “It’s really sad, and all too common at this point.”
The Arizona Republic has agreed to use Rice’s pseudonym rather than her real name in order to protect her identity. Police, attorneys and advocates hope they can persuade the public to recognize girls like Rice as trafficking victims rather than as prostitutes, hastening efforts to identify and help them.
That new view of an old problem is gaining currency in unlikely places around the Valley – student groups, churches, even Girl Scout troops.
Even so, public sentiment is slow to change because:
-�Clearly defining the problem is difficult. Most evidence is largely anecdotal, and years of inconsistent data collection makes it tough to quantify.
-�The victims themselves are often unwilling to seek help or identify themselves as victims, let alone cooperate with law-enforcement agents trying to jail their alleged oppressors.
-�Law enforcement and the general public can sometimes view the victims as criminals rather than people needing help.
Faced with such complacency, advocates have taken to delivering a message with shock value: that girls as young as 13 are apt to be picked up at shopping malls and thrust into a life of prostitution.
While there are cases to illustrate that alarming message – Phoenix detectives say they’ve seen victims as young as 8 – the reality is more complicated.

Identifying the victims

Identifying victims, particularly minors, can be frustrating for law enforcement. Without proper training, they often do not recognize signs of involuntary servitude. Instead, they see victims as runaways, prostitutes or the working poor.
And that’s how trafficking victims are taught to think of themselves – as isolated and dependent tools at someone else’s disposal, unable to fend for themselves and unlikely to find any help. That powerful psychology is how a pimp controls a young prostitute – not so much with guns as with head games.
When police do identify victims, they are not always cooperative.
“Many times we get a juvenile in custody for the first time, and it’s ‘F-you cops,’ ” said Phoenix police Sgt. Clay Sutherlin of the Phoenix Police Department’s human-trafficking task force.
In recent years, police have focused more time on getting girls to speak frankly. They’ve also focused on getting others in law enforcement to view the girls as human-trafficking victims instead of simply as prostitutes. That victim-focused approach is starting to pay off, with more girls going into diversion programs and more police officers making sure they have a chance to get there.
“Even our biggest, toughest vice detectives, they’re on board,” Sutherlin said.
As police perspectives change, advocates say the next steps are to educate the public and align state laws with federal statutes that target traffickers.
But hurdles remain.
With indentured-servitude cases, for example, authorities often don’t know they have a trafficking case until the victim winds up in trouble somewhere else. Like everything smuggled through Arizona, indentured workers or sex slaves don’t necessarily know either their final destinations or what lies ahead for them.
If stopped in Arizona, they might not identify themselves as victims of anything. It’s only when they get where they’re going and are pressed into service that they realize their predicament, said Matt Allen, special agent in charge of Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Arizona.
“All of a sudden, the person who is being smuggled doesn’t become a trafficking victim until they get to Detroit or wherever,” Allen said.
If victims do not recognize themselves as such, it is harder for police to identify and help them.
Amira Birger, 25, a former teen prostitute, never crossed paths with police in her two years in the sex trade. It took years before she recognized herself as a trafficking victim.
Her plight began at age 16 when a friend took Birger to a swingers club. A day later, she was taken to the apartment of a man they met at the club. Then she was shuffled to another home where she was forced to sleep behind a couch for two weeks without showering or changing clothes.
Birger said her way out from behind the couch was to have sex with men at her pimp’s direction, and she moved on to perform sex acts in a massage parlor near 11th Street and Indian School Road.
“A year ago, if someone asked me if I was trafficked, I would have said, ‘No,’ because I really felt like I was a prostitute,” she said. “Then I read one of the girls’ stories (about a trafficking victim) and I was like, ‘Whoa, that sounds like me.’ “

Trafficking statistics

No one is sure how many victims like Birger there are. There are few hard numbers to prove what is now largely anecdotal.
Authorities conservatively estimate there are at least 100,000 teen sex-trafficking victims in the U.S. at any one time.
The Maricopa County Attorney’s Office, which annually handles more than 34,000 criminal cases, said only 36 were submitted for prosecution under Arizona’s trafficking statutes between 2005 and 2011.
Allegations against a 20-year-old Phoenix man, Al Green IV, demonstrate the problem of relying on statistics to show the impact of trafficking. Phoenix police claim Green complimented a girl at a bus stop and convinced her to become his girlfriend – a common tool for traffickers to insert themselves into a victim’s life.
Once in the relationship, Green threatened the girl’s family and forced her into prostitution in Phoenix and California, according to police records. Green was arrested in October and charged with five felonies, including kidnapping and transporting a person for prostitution. While his case mirrored some of the worst-case scenarios cited by anti-trafficking advocates, Green was not charged under any of three state statutes designed to prosecute traffickers.
Green’s case will never show up in trafficking statistics. And because cities and states identify and treat victims differently, the patchwork of crime classifications makes it impossible to crunch and compare statistics.
For such reasons, reliance on the few statistics available can be risky, said former U.S. Sen. Linda Smith of Washington, who founded Shared Hope International, which crusades for law enforcement to take a unified approach to sex-trafficking prosecutions.
Smith conceded the lack of meaningful data makes her campaign more difficult.
“If we had 100,000 slaves anywhere, we would be marching in the streets . . . if we really believed it,” she said.

Awareness efforts

Police and prosecutors largely rely on non-governmental organizations to heighten public awareness and deal with the aftermath, particularly when the focus is victim rehabilitation.
Because sex trafficking has the highest public profile, its victims get the most attention from non-profit groups. These organizations, which vary in size and funding, are hosting more activities than ever in the Valley.
-�On Thursday, the Girl Scouts’ Arizona Cactus-Pine Council hosts a conference called “Human Trafficking: Keeping Arizona’s Girls Safe,” focusing on prevention, identification and rehabilitation.
-�This week, Catholic Charities will host “Immersion Experience,” in which participants have the opportunity to walk through the lives of sex-trafficking victims.
-�Smith soon plans to release a report card detailing how well Arizona’s anti-trafficking statutes match up with other state and federal laws, and how Arizona can increase prosecutions.
-�Streetlight, a Phoenix-based charity that will house sex-trafficking victims, will host dozens of upcoming fundraising, education and outreach events that include concerts, poker tournaments and prayer groups.
-�Janet Olson, who runs the Natalie’s House shelter, this spring plans to open a new eight-bed shelter in the West Valley for 11- to 17-year-old girls who have been sexually exploited. Olson has worked on the project for seven years, building the home with the help of volunteers.
Girl Scouts’ focus on education about trafficking is in line with curriculum focusing on other forms of domestic violence, said Barb Strachan, a Girl Scouts program manager. It falls at the end of a continuum of violence against women and girls that the Girl Scouts is committed to changing, she said.
“Most people look at sexual exploitation and prostitution as a choice. It’s lack of choice,” Strachan said. “By the time it gets to street-level prostitution, you’re looking at a broken, beat-up woman with no soul. If we cannot reach them as children, it’s even more difficult.”

Anti-trafficking goal

Advocates increasingly focus on images of young girls being snatched from shopping malls and coerced into a sordid street life to jar a largely unsympathetic public into caring about the problem.
Stories like those clearly exist. But girls in Phoenix typically enter prostitution between 14 to 15 years old, and far more often victims have had troubled family lives as well, sometimes suffering abuse or dysfunction.
That does not diminish their status as victims, but it does reduce the public’s sympathy, Smith noted, and gives perpetrators cover.
“Making her ‘kind of a criminal’ means he’s not as culpable,” she said.
The ultimate goal for anti-trafficking groups is to prompt a sea change in public thinking. If they succeed, the men – fathers, soldiers, business executives – arrested in Phoenix last week during an underage-prostitution sting will be viewed not simply as johns, but as trafficking co-conspirators.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Dray Carson: September Report Shows Hiring Up, Unemployment Down to 6-Year Low

by John Zappe on Oct 3, 2014, 11:47 AM
Propelled by strong hiring across a range of occupations and industries, September saw 248,000 new jobs added to the economy, which helped drive down unemployment to a six-year low of 5.9 percent.
The monthly jobs report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics also adjusted upward its count of hiring in August and July, increasing both by a combined 69,000 jobs. August’s initial anemic 142,000 estimate, which surprised analysts and prompted worrying about a hiring pause, was upped to 180,000.
Economists predicted September’s numbers would be in the 215,000 to 220,000 range. The higher number, plus the upward revisions, says that the August slowdown — only the second time this year hiring was under 200,000 — man just have been a blip.

Service sector shows strong gains

“The slower gain initially reported for August now appears to have been simply an aberration,” said Gad Levanon, director of macroeconomic and labor-market research at The Conference Board.
September’s job growth was concentrated in the service sector. Retailers and the leisure and hospitality industry added 35,300 and 33,000 jobs respectively. Grocers added 19,500 jobs, most of them marking the return to work of New England’s striking Market Basket employees. Restaurants and bars hired 20,400 new workers.
Other sectors showing hiring strength:
  • Health care, up 22,600, the bulk coming from home health care and outpatient facilities;
  • Employment services hired 33,600 new workers, with temp agencies accounting for 19,700;
  • Professional and technical services added 21,100 positions, including jobs for architects and engineers, software developers and management and technical consultants;
  • The financial sector was up 12,000 jobs, a nice gain for one of the sectors hardest hit by the recession.
Goods producers added only 29,000 jobs, with manufacturing contributing 4,000 and construction adding 16,000. Mining added 9,000.

Workforce participation at lowest level since 1978

Wages and the length of the work week changed little in September. Wage growth has been mostly stagnant this year, with hourly pay rates rising only 2 percent. The average workweek for all employees on private non-farm payrolls was 34.6 hours in September.
The BLS report also showed participation in the labor force is continuing to contract, which is a factor in bringing down the unemployment rate. September’s rate of 62.7 percent was the lowest since 1978. Even if no new jobs were being created, the unemployment rate would be decreasing since there are fewer workers employed or looking for work.
John was a newspaper reporter and editor until his geek gene lead him to launch his first website in 1994. Never a recruiter, he instead built online employment sites and sold advertising services to recruiters and employers. As VP of one large media operation, his employment revenue alone approached $2.5 million. Besides writing for ERE, John consults with digital content operations, focusing on the advertising side. And when he's not doing either, he can be found hiking in the California mountains or competing in canine agility events.
For compete article:
To learn more about how you can receive Human resources, workers comp, payroll and benefits assistance, contact Dray Carson-Hruby through G&A Partners at